ArcGIS Desktop Professional: EADP10 Exam
EADP10 Questions & Answers
Exam Code: EADP10
Exam Name: ArcGIS Desktop Professional
Q & A: 100 Q&As
An AicGIS user is tasked with editing a layer containing a large number of features, using another
layer that is in a different coordinate system as reference. The user adds the layers in ArcMap and
starts an edit session. A warning message about editing data in a different coordinate system is
displayed. What is the most efficient way to edit the data to avoid potential distortion in the data?
A. change the data frame’s coordinate system to match the coordinate system of the layer being edited
B. project the reference layer so the coordinate system matches with the one that needs to be edited
C. georeference the reference layer and start a new edit session
D. create a geodatabase topology with the two layers and add a rule so new data always snaps to the
reference layer
Answer: A
An ArcGIS user is creating a processing environment that will be used repeatedly. To confirm
results, the user wants to visualize the output of intermediate processes during testing. The user is
working with large data sets and wants to preserve already-complete steps and focus on one
problem at a time. Which geoprocessing approach should the user consider?
A. a Python script tool commenting out code blocks and functions as development progresses
B. the Python window saving the contents to a script when each processing step is confirmed
C. a stand-alone Python script executed in PythonWin with print statements capturing ArcPy messages
D. ModelBuilder running processes step-wise and displaying intermediate results in ArcMap
Answer: B
An ArcGIS user adds an ESRI World Imagery service from ArcGIS Online to an empty Arc Map
document. The user then adds a polygon feature class representing national parks to the map.
The spatial reference of the national parks feature class is:
– Datum North American Datum 1927
– Linear units meters
– Protection Albers equal area
The user intends to digitize new national park boundaries using the features in the imagery. What
should the user avoid doing in the edit session?
A. transforming the coordinate system of the national parks to match the imagery from the Web service
B. projecting the coordinate system of the imagery to match the national parks
C. reprojecting the national park feature class and transforming the coordinate system to match the
imagery from the Web service
D. editing the park boundary laver without changing the original coordinate Systems
Answer: C
An ArcGIS user is tasked with converting an IDRISI vector format file to a geodatabase feature
class. The user does not need to change any aspects of the data source in the output feature class.
Which tool should the user employ?
A. Feature Class to Feature Class
B. IDRISI to Feature Class
C. Quick Import
D. Raster to Geodatabase
Answer: D
An ArcGIS user wants to make a map displaying the data using an equal number of features in
each classification. Which classification method should the user employ to accomplish this?
A. equal interval
B. natural breaks (Jenks)
C. quantile
D. standard deviation
Answer: C
Given an elevation surface, a raster of forest stands, and a point feature class of saw mills, which
analysis is used to determine the optimal route from each forest stand to the nearest saw mill?
A. Network
B. Viewing
C. Proximity
D. Distance
Answer: D
For a project, an ArcGIS user creates a custom user interface form to allow data entry and editing
directly with the database. This form must be available within ArcMap and also as a stand-alone
tool. How can this custom form be made available within ArcMap?
A. as a layer package
B. as a custom transformer
C. as an add-in
D. as an ArcPy Python script
Answer: D
An ArcGIS user is creating a script tool to automate a common workflow.
Which tool property ensures that the tool only recognizes intended feature data sources?
A. output spatial reference property
B. data type fitter property
C. workspace data property
D. data extent property
Answer: C
An ArcGIS user is making a map showing the standard deviation from the mean ocean
temperature. Which type of color ramp should be used to display the standard deviation?
A. a three-color multipart color ramp
B. a two-color algorithmic color ramp
C. a random color ramp
D. a thirteen-color preset color ramp
Answer: B
An ArcGIS user in a county office receives a large volume of data in shapefiles, coverages and
table formats. The user is responsible for converting the data to a standard feature class format
and writing it into a central enterprise geodatabase. The data must be simultaneously available for
editing and spatial analysis tasks. How should the Windows Task Scheduler be used to achieve
these goals?
A. schedule to run a geoprocessmg service with the tasks and maintain log of script validation errors
B. schedule to run a geoprocessmg service with the tasks and allocate a specific time to run each
task in the service
C. patch the tasks in a script and schedule to run the script at a scheduled time at non-peak hours
D. patch the tasks in a model and schedule to run the model at a scheduled time at non-peak hours
Answer: B
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